What Your Therapist is Reading comes out of a blog post I use to write called What Your Therapists are Reading. In this blog post series, therapist from all over would share a book they were reading and a summary. It was a great way to learn about new (and old) books. As much as I loved running that series, it was hard to keep up. I always knew I wanted to do something with this idea about what therapists read. After lots of thinking and time, What Your Therapist is Reading was born. Not a day goes by that I do not see another therapist asking for a book recommendation. I myself will ask for recommendations and often wonder is it really a good fit? My hope is that after listening to What Your Therapist is Reading, you will be able to answer that question.

A little about Jessica Fowler, LCSW.

Growing up, reading was not my favorite thing. It wasn’t till I was done with graduate school, that I found a real love for reading. I, like most new (and seasoned) therapists found myself struggling with imposter syndrome. I felt this intense need to read everything. I spent lots of money on books. Some I read and some I never actually picked up and are still sitting on my bookshelf till this day. One can hope! Through the books I have read over the years, I learned a lot about therapy, the clients I work with, myself and have even done some healing. Reading has been an important part of my own journey. Therapy books and self-help books are not the only books I enjoy. I am happy with a beach read but my favorite is historical fiction. Since moving back to Rochester, NY in 2009, I have been in a book club. My current book club has been going for about five years. These book clubs have helped me learn how much I enjoy discussing books. It really brings me JOY!

I have been a licensed clinical social worker who has been in practice for almost 15 years. I am currently in private practice and specializing in perinatal mental health, addiction, anxiety and trauma. I am trained in EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing).

As someone who loves to read, I feel there are amazing resources out there for both therapists and the general public. I want to provide a resource to help people decide if a book is the right book for their own journey. I hope you enjoy listening to What Your Therapist is Reading and maybe even find a new book for yourself or your clients.